Review of Council Tax single person discounts

Rochford District Council is currently conducting a review of all single person discounts offered to residents who live alone. We aim to provide these residents with the best possible service during the review, by offering clear instructions for completing forms to be returned to the council.

However, occasionally circumstances may not be so easy to explain. To help in these situations we have included the most frequently asked questions that can arise throughout this review period.

Why have I been sent this letter?

Rochford Council is currently reviewing the circumstances of all people who are claiming the single person discount. We are simply verifying your validity to claim single person discount.

The easiest way to reply to the review is by using the text messaging services. Please refer back to your letter for instructions on how to do this.

You can also fill out the form online and enter your Post Code, Account Number and PIN number. All this information can be found on your letter.

Alternatively, if you would like to respond using the paper form and you are the only adult living at the property, please tick the box on the right at the top of your form. Proceed to Section B to enter the details of anyone who receives post or has accounts registered to your address. Please Note: This does NOT impact your entitlement of the Single Person Discount.

Complete Section D if applicable. Sign, Print and Date the form and return it to the address provided at bottom of the front of your letter.

If you are no longer the only adult living at the property, please tick the box on the left at the top of your form. Proceed to complete Section B, C and D if these are applicable to you. Sign, Print and Date the form and return it to the address provided at bottom of the front of your letter. 

What happens if I don’t complete the form?

We will assume that your situation has changed and will remove your discount, effective from the last time we checked your eligibility which will be confirmed in your new bill.

What credit information do you hold on me?

We don’t hold any credit information on you, if you want to see your credit file please contact any of the major credit reference agencies:

What happens if the form is returned after the 14 day deadline given?

As long as the completed form is returned within a reasonable amount of time you will not be penalised. If the form is very late, you may end up receiving a reminder letter. Please complete the form as before.

Why am I being asked to return my information to a Nottingham address?

All returned forms are handled by a centrally based local government scanning facility. They then process the documents on behalf of many local authorities.

What should I do if someone is using my address for correspondence only?

Include their name and full residential address, this will then be verified.

I have already informed the Council of a change in circumstances. Do I need to complete the form?

Yes, include all the details of your current situation.

I receive mail for previous occupants, what should I do about this?

You need to write on the envelope that the person no longer lives at the address and return it to the sender.

A friend stays with me 3 or 4 nights a week, does this mean that I am no longer eligible?

If your friend keeps their belongings at your house then your address will be classed as their main residence therefore you are no longer eligible.

  • Who does your friend stay with the other 3 nights a week? If s/he stays at various addresses your address will still be classed as their main address
  • Any other reason, please provide an explanation of your current situation.

What should I do if my circumstances are not covered in the examples above?

If you are still unsure how to complete the form, or your circumstances are not covered please fill out the online form here, select the fourth option ‘Other (My circumstances are not covered by the categories above’ and write an explanation of your current situation.